Technical Articles
This category will show articles of a technical nature on plastics, rubber machinery and related technologies. We hope you find them insightful.
Basic Chemical and Environmental Properties and Consideration in the Selection of Plastic Materials for Various Applications
The purpose of this article is to provide you with a basic understanding of plastics and rubber and to introduce a fundamental concepts related to this exciting topic. This article is conversational in the way the information is presented.
Developments in granulator design
Monday, 04 April 2022
- Rotor design.
Some granulator rotors have the bolts that fasten the blades, screw directly into the rotor. Should the thread be damaged it is very difficult to affix a drill onto the rotor and fit a helicoil. In addition, the heads of the bolts are in the high wear area and prove difficult to unscrew when worn.
In contrast, in the new generation granulators the fastening bolt passes through the rotor and screws into a retaining plate with the benefits:
- The bolt head is not in the wear area and is protected.
- The bolts screws into a retaining plate in top of the blade.
- Should the thread be damaged on simply make a new retaining plate.
Straight, angled blades
Staggered blade
John E Gers. BSc (Hons) APRI (GB) FPISA
Bronze Award for Service to the Plastics Insustry
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